Term 1
What have we been learning?
This term we have been learning about animals and have looked at different animal groups. The children have been identifying amphibians, mammals, reptiles, birds, invertebrates and fish. A highlight was our animal encounter where we saw and held different creatures! In literacy, we have looked at lists, labels and captions, learning an autumn poem as well as learning our story ‘Tiny Little Fly’. In maths, we have practised counting within 100 and the different ways to make numbers to 10. In art we have been printing in different ways and have made some art in the style of Andy Warhol.
Home Learning:
Reading – Please read with your child four times a week. We celebrate High Flying Readers every Friday. Numbots – Practise playing on Numbots for 5 mins a day. Spelling: Practise the common exception words in the reading records.
Christmas: Year 1 will be involved in the Christmas performance (week commencing 9th December). Y1 dates TBC. Watch out for tickets from the office.
WOW moments
Harvest Festival – Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to our performance of Misty by Shirley Hughes.
Animal Experience – We had some amazing creatures to visit us!
Next term: As part of our big question, How is my childhood different to that of my grandparents? We are looking for any photos or objects from grandparents that the children could bring in for us to talk about with the class. If you have something that may be of interest, please speak to your class teacher.
Term 2 Overview
Term 3 Overview