YEAR 5 : Almond and Sachar

Term 1
What have we been learning?
This term we have been answering the question, ‘How do the human and physical features of England compare with those in Mexico?” We looked at the Maya and how they lived, what their social systems were like, and how they used the land. We then compared their land use to ours.

In Writing lessons, we have written a number of text genres within the broad topic of the Maya including a setting description, a character description using dialogue and a suspense piece of writing focusing on an intense game of Pok-a-tok.  We have been working hard in maths to extend our knowledge of decimal fractions and to apply this to money.  In Science we have looked at living things and the differences between birds, reptiles and mammals. We used our enquiry skills to dissect a hen’s egg and identify its key parts.

Wow moments - We have started year 5 with weekly swimming lessons in addition to our PE lessons, which we have thoroughly enjoyed.  We also spent some time learning how to play Quidditch (minus the brooms!). Harry Potter fans amongst us were able to choose their favourite house teams to play for.  As part of our Maya topic, we recreated a war mask using clay and decorated in vivid colours inspired by Dan Fenlon.

Home Learning - A reminder that the children are expected to read at least four times a week at home and sign their diary to show they have done so. They can sign their diary themselves if they read independently, however it is also important to hear your child read aloud regularly (and it’s lovely to share stories together!).  At the moment our year five homework is to practice times tables, read and practice spellings.


  • We have elected school council members.
  • Took part in an online webinar with author Katherine Rundell.
  • Did our first year 5 assessments.
  • Both classes had their class assemblies

Term 3

We enjoyed 3 WOW days in Term 3. 

At the beginning of the term, we had a visit from the Explorer Dome, which was an exciting introduction to our science topic ‘Space’. They showed us the constellations and how to recognize the different planets. This helped us with our learning back in the class on the phases of the moon, and the rotation of the earth and moon around the sun along with why there are 365 days in a year. 

We also had a visit from Courtney Tulloch, who told us all about his rise to stardom as a UK Gymnast! He showed us several of his 72 medals, including winning gold at the Commonwealth games in 2018 and 2022! 

At the end of Term 3 we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Our theme was ‘Too good to be true’. We looked at how we could tell the difference between something that is real and genuine, and something which is a scam. We thought about what rules we could follow or what guidance we could give to help everyone stay safe online. 

Term 2
What have we been learning?
In order to explore the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings we did a deep dive into researching their differences. We wrote Newspaper Reports about the Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings in literacy and compared how the different sides may have felt. 

In Math’s we have been working on money, negative numbers and column multiplication. 

In science we have been looking at forces. We have performed experiments to identify the impact of gravity, water resistance and air resistance. 

Wow moments: 
We also planned and made a Viking stew using seasonal vegetables for DT.   We have really enjoyed preparing for our Christmas carol service and carols around the Christmas tree. The children have really enjoyed singing Merry Christmas Everyone by Shakin Stevens.    This term we had an internet safety day, which prompted lots of fabulous discussions about how to stay safe online. 

Home Learning: 
A reminder that the children are expected to read at least four times a week at home and sign their diary to show they have done so. They can sign their diary themselves if they read independently, however it is also important to hear your child read aloud regularly (and it’s lovely to share stories together!).   Children will also have one piece of SPAG (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and maths homework that will be handed out on a Friday and collected in the following Friday. Children are able to ask class adults for help throughout the week with their homework if needed. Children also have times tables rockstars and spellings to practice..

Term 1 Overview

Term 2 Overview

Term 3 Overview

Term 4 Overview

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Newsletter