YEAR 6 - Blackman and Hardy

Term 1
This term, Year 6’s topic has been Rainforest. Our key question was, ‘Is it worth saving the rainforest?’, as a part of this question we have researched the production of palm oil and have written a discussion text to explore whether it is a problem or not. We have also used a video clip from The Jungle Book to write a mystery story, in which we focused on writing settings in narratives.   Our first term of maths has seen the children exploring the numbers to ten million, refining their addition and subtraction skill as well as honing their arithmetic skills.  In foundation subjects, the children have reviewed their understanding of continents and where we can find rainforests around the world.

This term we have been focusing on settling in to year six life, this has involved getting used to outdoor maths which we have enjoyed immensely. We also worked hard to ensure our harvest art was up to scratch in creating sculptures of harvest fruit.  Also this term five of children had the chance to go to Bordeaux as part of the Bristol Community of Purpose initiative where the children worked with other primary school from varying communities. We were extremely proud!

Other highlights:

  • We have elected school council members.
  • Took part in an online webinar with author Katherine Rundell.
  • Did their first SATs practice.
  • Both classes had their class assemblies

Term 2
This term, Year 6’s topic has been World War 2. Our key question was, ‘What would have happened to me in WW2?’ As part of our writing unit, the children created formal letters on children being evacuated, and the Ultimatum Letter Sir Neville Chamberlain sent to Hitler. 

In our foundation subjects, the children studied the history of the war using independent research and applied this in their writing.  

The children also went to the Aerospace Museum where they took part in a workshop in creating periscopes, they also soaked up the history behind what part Bristol played in WW2’s RAF-getting to see real planes from the past and even old German bombs. Additionally, the children got to see the Concorde which they were most definitely awe struck with the scale of this fantastic machine. 

Term 1 Overview

Term 2 Overview

Term 3 Overview

Term 4 Overview

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Newsletter