Inter School Events 

Recently @ Fair Furlong .........

FFPS Girls Football Team

Our girls football team has been competing again in the South Bristol SSP league. They have put an amazing amount of effort in the gelling as a team and have been commended in their sportsmanship. They are through to the finals tournament so keep your eye out for more news!

This week our girls football team kicked off their season against Stoke Bishop Primary School in the league. This was the girls first game together as a team and even though they did not bring home the win they showed amazing spirit and support towards each other. Our captain Lola Hancock led the way with her head held high, making sure the team stood together and a star performance from Gracie Burrows who Stoke were particularly impressed by.

Keep an eye out for this promising group of girls as the year progresses! 

The Year 6 Basketball competed in the South Bristol Area Tournament this term. Our children were fantastic throughout showing impeccable sportsmanship. This was their first tournament together and their hard work and commitment resulted a gold medal! We are extremely proud!

This term's year 5 and 6 competed in the indoor athletics participation event at Merchants Academy. The children did a fantastic job and kept each other's spirits high throughout the event. Well done guys, you were fantastic and made us proud.



Celebration of Sport - Jailbreak
Recently our year 4 pupils took part in a festival of sport held at Ashton Gate Stadium. The staff reported back that our children were just fantastic in every way and even though they did not quite make it through to the finals they were complimented on their true determination to do their best and amazing sportsmanship.

Year 5/6 mixed football team
Our Y5/6 mixed football team competed in the Celebration of Sport Tournament at Ashton Gate Stadium. This is where the top schools from across South Bristol came together to play against each other in a culmination of various events from across the year. Our children we simply fantastic and showed an amazing level of sportsmanship. This was their best performance yet with results ending in wins of 2-1, 3-0, 9-0 and a 0-0 draw against our local rivals Four Acres.



QuadKids Athletics
Our athletics team recently competed at the Quadkids Athletics Tournament at Merchants Academy. It was a great afternoon and the children put up a great fight in their events. So much so that our Year 5 pupil, Vinnie Neal, won the boys' long distance race and our Year 6 pupil, Arabelle Briggs, won the girls' long distance race. We are very proud and as ever our students were fantastic role models with regards to their participation!


Other events that Fair Furlong have also competed in recently include:
Cross Country 
EFL Football Tournament 
ESFA Football Tournament 
Tag Rugby