
At Fair Furlong Primary, we believe that mathematics is of vital importance. It provides learners with powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world. We want children to experience a sense of awe and wonder in maths as they explore problems and then discover more elegant solutions that allow them to make links to different areas of mathematics.

We want our children to become functioning adults who can make a significant contribution to society using the highly valued skills that mathematics develops.

To achieve this, we draw upon a range of resources. We use the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Maths (NCETM) as the basis for our coherent and consistent curriculum. We use other resources such as White Rose Maths and Nrich to give our children a rich experience.

At Fair Furlong we focus on 3 main areas: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We work with a variety of representations of number, so that the children become confident, flexible and efficient when working with number. We use a systematic and structured teaching program (Number Sense Maths) to ensure children have confidence and flexibility in their addition and subtraction facts. For reasoning, children are taught the language skills necessary to explain their mathematical understanding in all areas of the curriculum. Through these the children gain the skills to become efficient problem solvers - from tackling word problems to developing the characteristics to tackle challenging investigations and pursue their own lines of enquiry. 

Our aim is to inspire children by giving them a lively sense of interest and enjoyment in mathematics, with an understanding of its practical and creative use in everyday life.

  • To implement the current legal requirements of the Foundation Stage (FS) and the National Curriculum (NC), using the Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance and the Primary Framework for Mathematics. 
  • Build a firm, broad foundation of mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding which will assist children now and in the future.
  • Develop a range of skills, strategies and methods, to solve a wide range of problems and enable children to become fluent mathematicians.
  • Develop a positive attitude to maths increasing confidence and enjoyment when tackling problems.     
  • Develop the ability to work independently choosing efficient methods and equipment for the task.
  • Support children to commit knowledge to memory and develop good mental strategies, as well as developing efficient methods for recording work (in line with FFPS calculation policy).     
  • Instil motivation for progress and success in mathematics.
  • Develop an accurate mathematical vocabulary to enable children to share their thinking, describe strategies and learn from each other’s responses.    
  • Ensure that all children will be given the opportunities to develop their mathematics skills and enjoy success regardless of gender, race, ability, culture or ethnicity.
  • Provide exposure to ways of working that challenge children of all levels and an environment where it is safe to make mistakes which can be learnt from.     
  • Provide consistency in models to support children to make connections in mathematics, in order to develop depth of understanding.
  • Work with maths that has practical applications that directly relate to other areas of the curriculum, where possible presented in relevant context.


Maths Curriculum

Each year group has a certain number of topics to cover across the school year and map these according to how many weeks we are in school each term.

Below are links to the overview for your child's year group where you will be able to see the topics they will be covering in each term.

Reception Overview

Year 1 Overview

Year 2 Overview

Year 3 Overview

Year 4 Overview

Year 5 Overview

Year 6 Overview

How can you help your child?

Aside from these activities, you could support your child by talking to them about everyday maths:
Counting objects;
Looking at the price of things in shops (including discounts and offers for the older children);
Talking about the time;
Noticing patterns, symmetry and shapes in nature and man-made objects;
Practising times tables;
Reciting number bonds to 10 and 20 and 100 … (7+3=10).